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Don’t Rely on People’s Approval

Today's Scripture “Your approval means nothing to me.” (John 5:41, NLT) It’s great when people cheer us on and make us feel valuable. We love when a friend compliments us or a coworker helps us on a project. God uses people to help move us toward our destiny. But you can’t become so dependent on people that you’re trying to get your worth and value from them. It’s easy to rely on them to keep you feeling good about yourself and make you feel approved. But if they don’t give you their approval and meet your expectations, you’ll feel discouraged and inferior, and you’ll work overtime to try to win their approval. The problem is, you’re trying to get from people what only God can give. Your value, your self-worth doesn’t come from another person—it comes from your Creator. Jesus knew better than to rely on people. What they do or don’t do doesn’t determine your worth and cannot stop your purpose. Quit depending on others’ approval and start approving yourself. A Prayer for Today “Father, thank You for the people You’ve placed in my life to help me move to my destiny. Help me, though, not to become dependent upon their approval or try to get my value from them. I declare that I have Your approval and love, and that’s all I need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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