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I hear His Whisper...

I want you to have limitless faith.

Where do the limits begin on your faith? Because I am limitless in my ability. The place where your faith ends is not a reflection of what is true and possible. Nothing is impossible for me, whether you choose to believe it or not. If you are able to believe that my love is enough to save your soul, why do you stop there? I care about your day-to-day life. If my power is enough to defeat sin and raise my Son from death, surely I can help you with the burden you carry today. Lack of faith will only hinder you, so I have invited you to grow in your faith. To believe that anything, absolutely anything, is possible with me. It’s risky and scary to put your faith out there, because you’re wondering how you’ll feel if I don’t answer the way you want or in your timing. But, beloved, you have placed your life in my hands. I know how to take care of you. I haven’t asked you to force my hand; I’ve only asked you to believe in my love. To fully and absolutely trust me. Take the risk of believing in greater things. I’m with you every step of the way.

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