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A New Way of Thinking

Do not be shaped by this world.

Instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you. And you will be able to know what is good and pleasing to God and what is perfect. —Romans 12:2 (ICB)

I want to give you a new way of thinking. When you just let your thoughts wander, they tend to wander to your problems. Your mind swirls around and around, trying to solve them. You waste time and energy. Worst of all, your mind is so filled with your problems that you lose sight of Me.

Train your mind to look for Me wherever you are. I want your thoughts to be so filled with Me that you lose sight of your problems. I am all around you. Do you see Me? That bird singing, that smile from a friend, that ray of sunshine peeking through the clouds? I send each one your way. That feeling of safety and peace? That’s from Me too. I’m always thinking about you. So think about Me. Psalm 105:4

~Jesus Calling-King Kids 👑

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