You, Lord, give true peace. You give peace to those who depend on you.
You give peace to those who trust you.
—Isaiah 26:3 (ICB)
If something in your life is making you anxious, come talk to Me about it. I am your best Friend—the one who always wants to hear from you, no matter what time of day or night it is.
When you pray, tell me what you need and then thank Me. Thank Me for listening. Thank Me for answering. And thank Me for the chance to trust Me more. You see, I use your tough times to make you a better, stronger person.
The world has it backward. The world says if you have enough money, enough stuff, the right friends, then you will have peace and security. But money and stuff can be stolen, and friends can let you down. True peace and security come only from Me. All you have to do is ask—I’m always right by your side. ~Jesus Calling-King Kids
Philippians 4:6
