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New Beginnings

Today's Scripture

He told them, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” ~Matthew 26:38, NLT

Ugunda, on the night before Jesus went to the cross, He was so deeply troubled in the Garden of Gethsemane that He asked His disciples to stay there and pray for Him. He deserved their support, but they couldn’t stay awake. It was disappointing, but He accepted that He wasn’t going to have their encouragement and moved forward toward His resurrection.

In life we all have disappointments, some that deeply trouble us. But God gives you grace for every Gethsemane, for every person who falls asleep. It’s very freeing when you can look at the frustration, look at the business that slowed down, look at the people who left you, and know that amazing things are ahead if you don’t give up in Gethsemane. Yes, there are crosses to bear, betrayals, and setbacks, but if you keep moving forward, there will be resurrections. There will be new beginnings, times when God pays you back for what was unfair, times where He catapults you to new levels. You may be in Gethsemane, but know that a resurrection is coming.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that Jesus did not allow His disappointment over the disciples’ lack of support to keep Him from His purpose. Thank You for the grace to go through times of betrayal and crosses, knowing that new beginnings are coming. I look forward to the resurrections to come. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” ~Joel and Victoria Osteen

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