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By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. —Genesis 2:2

Television, cell phones, the Internet—this electronic age keeps you “wired” much of the time. When you’re an electrical appliance, being wired is a good thing. But when you are human, being wired can be exhausting. It also makes it harder for you to find Me in your moments.

I created you to need rest. At creation, I even gave you the example of rest by taking a break from all My work. But the world has gotten so twisted that it makes you feel guilty about taking time to rest.

This is a trick of the devil. If he can keep you “wired” most of the time—too busy to even stop and look for Me—then he wins. Tell the devil to get lost. Then lie down, close your eyes, and whisper, “Jesus, help me rest.” I’ll cover you with a blanket of Peace and watch over you as you rest in Me. ~Jesus Calling-King Kids 👑

Psalm 23:1–3; Genesis 2:3; Luke 1:79

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